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What causes acne on the face?


At some moment, we all face the issue of acne or pimple. This can be a blackhead, whitehead or a red spot. Instinctively, we want that acne to fade away. To make the acne disappear we try several remedies. These remedies can sometimes result in getting more acne or irritated skin. But what if we know the causes behind getting this acne. It would be more advantageous for us and it will not create trouble in our minds too. Indeed, we all realise that “prevention is better than cure”. Here’s our list of common reseason behind the occurrence of acne. 

  • Diet

Diet is a significant cause behind changes in our body. What we eat reflects through our faces. If our gut health is perfect then definitely our face will show it. If we eat oily and sugary foods too much, it results in our weak immune system. A weak immune system reflects itself somehow through the face. Thus, it is essential to have a balanced meal with portions of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

  • Stress

Stress is another cause of acne on your skin. When you take a lot of stress it will finally result in producing more body oils. These oils can lead to acne on your skin. To be free from tensions is necessary for your mental health as well as physical beauty. It is advised by health experts to not lose calm and meditate to stay away from stress. 

  • Hormones

A spike in hormones can happen, especially during puberty. This is one of the frequent reasons youngsters having acne. To avoid various problems associated with acne, one should follow a proper skincare routine. If the issue of acne still persists, it is suggested to visit a dermatologist. After all, every skin type is different. 

  • Face touching 

To touch your face more especially with dirty hands can be a major cause of acne. If you touch your face a lot it might result in the germination of bacteria. When these bacteria develop they further occur out into acne. It is vital to not touch your face with unwashed hands. Therefore, it is essential to not touch your face each time and rather use clean wipes to clear it. 

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